DAYS AND NIGHTS As the days and nights pass, we have this one undying wish of the “ME TIME “we have been craving for. Where we were off the chores, off all the labour. As that ME TIME approaches, we start getting more contented and joyous that there will be nothing to do. Moving on to realize, that when we had asked for this blessing of "ME TIME “, we never really thought that the actual ‘’ME’’ would start to awaken. That this pause of looking into ME comes with great awareness, that in doing these common daily unaware chores we never realize we have been losing touch with our true being, from a true being we are preoccupied to be engaged in a task all the time, in a distraction all the time. This realization comes with its own share of discomfort and disheartenment. Then what to do? how to deal with this discomfort? just sit? do nothing? Try it. And when Nothing is the only option left, then, mind me; the shell of this pause winds you, you feel the grip